So as you've probably noticed things have been a little quiet around here lately! I've been enjoying some downtime with family, but don't think I've forgotten you - I'll be back with vengeance before you know it. As a result of my own darn laziness, I'm a whole MONTH behind on the lovely Ema's list project (not even counting this week!!). I'm a terrible person but to make it up to you here is a 52 List SUPER POST to start the week off...
The 52 Lists project is organised by Ema over at Made in Hunters. See her list here.

- Time spent with my girls.
- Using Richard's shoulder as a pillow and his good night kiss on my forehead.
- My little puppy, his cute little wrinkle and when he curls up on my belly to go to sleep.
- That 'I'm home' feeling and time spent with the family.
- That 'job well done' feeling.
- When the sun breaks through the clouds and it seems like you can see every sunbeam.
- Disney films and soppy love films.
- Good books read on the sofa accompanied by cups of tea.
- Waking up on weekends with no alarm, the sun peaking through the curtains.
- Christmas - my favourite holiday, there is no time of year I love more!!
- Start and finish my dissertation.
- Polish up my Russian - yep my flights back to the motherland are all booked and paid for! Expect more posts from Russia with love on our return to Moscow!
- Getting final year pre-reading done and bracing myself for a year of being chained to a desk in the library.
- Move in to my new house.
- Go away for a break with Rich (maybe camping :) )
- Turning 22 (who wouldn't want their life dictated by a Taylor Swift song for a whole year?!)
- Going back to Moscow to see it in the sunshine rather than the snow!!
- Seeing my little baby puppy (expect an update on the little rascal soon!)
- Seeing my little sister performing - She's got Alice in Wonderland lined up as well as a drama competition at her school.
- Returning to Bath in August (god I've missed the South West!) - Cider for all :D

- Negative thoughts
- Worry
- De-motivation
- Lots of junk!!
See Ema's list here.
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