Sunday, 25 May 2014

52 Lists: List your favourite blogs and why.

Ema created this list to combat some blogger on blogger hate she'd seen building on social media and to spread some love. To list my favourite blogs? This was indeed a toughie! I follow 132 bloggers on bloglovin and to narrow it down, can imagine!! One of my favourite parts of blogging is reading what everyone else has got to say, seeing what lives everyone else has chosen to live and being inspired by the projects of others. 3/4 of the blogs I follow are lifestyle or travel blogs and this is most definitely reflected in my list. So without further ado (and in no particular order!)...

  1. Cider with Rosie.
    I'm pretty sure that this lovely lady features in most 'favourites' lists. Her personality shines through her blog which has such a genuine voice and style. From her gorgeous little dog and her stories about life with her Mr To Be, to her picture perfect days out, her posts brighten peoples days (especially her 10 things that have made me happy this week!). I'm looking forward to following on with her wedding planning in the near future!
  2. Awash with Wonder. What can I say about this woman? She's a powerhouse! Her blog is so raw and honest and really gets down to the nitty gritty topics which punctuate this funny thing we call life. Beautifully written, it's opinionated without being alienating and shows an insight in to her really colourful life. It always has me nodding along in a 'that's so true' fashion. I can't wait to follow her move across the Atlantic - I know she'll be a busy bee, but please don't forget about us!
  3. Landlopers.
    So many travel bloggers are sugar coaters and fact givers. Not Matt! Despite being a 'luxury' travel blogger (who are usually the worst of the bunch), he gives you a sense of what a place is really like, its colours, its scent and above all what he was feeling as he visited. His blog is so readable, and many of his posts have been 'favourited' in the hope that one day I can visit the wonderful places he's revealed to us. If this little space could grow up to be half the blog that Matt's is, I'd be one happy bunny.
  4. A Beautiful Mess.
    This is the first blog I ever followed! What can I say about A Beautiful Mess? As much as I'm a traveller, the thought of having my own little house one day just warms me up from the inside. A Beautiful Mess is like craft/DIY porn. I swoon over all their little projects and file them away in my future interior design head. However, I fear that if I actually got round to making anything, it would turn out like one of those Pintrest Gone Wrong crafts, but a girl can dream, eh? Rich best hide the power tools.
  5. We Took The Road Less Travelled.
    I just adore Casey's blog. A girl after my own heart her blog is wordy and wonderful. Based in Germany, with her RAF officer Mr, their German and European adventures have me wanderlusting all over the place! I was so rooting for them in the weeks up until they received their next posting and I really hope Casey continues writing after their move back stateside!
  6. Cocktails and Caroline.
    This blog is written by probably the most glamorous person I've never met! Her blog just oozes London girl about town. As a Londoner myself, her posts always have me scribbling down places to visit when I next return home. Hundreds of venues, honest reviews, mouthwatering cakes (she only owns a baking company too!!) and the cutest dog Mr Jimmy Chew himself, if you want to live London Luxe vicariously, this is the place to do it!
The 52 Lists project is organised by Ema over at Made in Hunters. Check out her list here.


  1. Hi Grace! Thanks so much for including me on your list. Such a nice surprise. I'm glad to have you reading along :)

    1. Any time lovely - keep it up, love your posts :) And I mean it, don't go forgetting us on your new adventure x Grace
